Making networks strong and visible

Networks are central in all career stages of scientists. They are a fundamental part of science culture and help strengthen scientific careers.

Given that a lack of networks is a career obstacle particularly for women, we want to make sure that different networking initiatives for and by female scientists at the University of Vienna are made more visible. If there are networking initiatives for other diversity categories as well, we are glad to point them out, too.

If you are part of a networking initiative that hasn't been mentioned here yet, please let us know the name of the initiative, its target group and contact data / a website for it. A short mail to is enough!

Networking groups for female scientists

  • A²WiM - Austrian Association of Women in Mathematics
  • FemChem - Platform at the Faculty of Technical Chemistry/TU Wien
  • Frauen* MINT Wien - Networking group for all women* who learn, work or study Math, IT, Natural Sciences and Technology in Vienna and its surroundings
  • Motherhood & Science Austria - local group of the network "Motherhood and Science"
  • nowaGEA - Network of Women in Academia at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronom, University of Vienna
  • STEM fatale - international, English-speaking network for STEM women
  • wobio - Women in Biology Initiative - Initiative at the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna
  • WoChem - Women in Chemistry, network for young female academics at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vienna
  • Women in Law - Frauen im Recht - Networking group for women and their allies in legal studies

Networking groups for other diversity categories

  • u:queer - Networking group for queer academic and non-academic staff, University of Vienna