enable:univie | Employment Initiative for People with Disabilities
The University of Vienna aims to be inclusive
and to offer all people equal opportunities.
The University of Vienna has launched its own programme for this purpose.
The programme is called: enable:univie.
It’s easy to say: En-Able Uni-Vee.
Enabling means:
Making something possible for another person.
Univie is short for University of Vienna.
Who is the programme for?
The programme is for people with disabilities.
This means people who are officially recognised as having disabilities.
Their official disability level must amount to
at least 50 percent.
They also need to have a
so-called notice of assessment from the Social Ministry Service.
Or they must apply to the Social Ministry Service
to get such a notice of assessment.
For more information, see
the website of the Social Ministry Service:
What are the aims of the programme?
The University of Vienna wants more employees
with disabilities.
People with disabilities
have many skills.
The University of Vienna wants to
strengthen and promote these skills.
The University of Vienna often publishes job advertisements.
People with disabilities can apply for the
advertised jobs.
But the University of Vienna wants to
give people with disabilities even more opportunities.
How does this work?
We use the so-called matching process.
Another easy word to remember: Match-ing.
This means putting two similar things together.
And the matching process works like this:
The programme coordinators find suitable jobs
for people with disabilities at the University of Vienna.
This increases the chances for people with disabilities
to get a job at the University of Vienna.
That’s because they can also send in
spontaneous applications.
When companies are looking for new employees,
they normally publish a job advertisement.
But you can also apply to a company
without such a job advertisement.
That’s called a spontaneous application.
The programme has two coordinators.
They advise and assist
people with disabilities with spontaneous applications.
It does not matter whether
the job is in administration or in academia.
Are you interested?
Please contact the programme coordinators.
Their names are Lena Kaiser and Natalie Kolesnik-Gerges.
You can ask the coordinators questions or
apply for a job.
This is their email address:
These are their phone numbers:
0660 8960707 (Lena Kaiser)
0660 8960661 (Natalie Kolesnik-Gerges)