Online talk: 24 March 2025, 14-15:30
Decisions are constantly being made in a relationship - especially as parents. Many of these decisions have...
In the workshop series Teaching Competence, the CTL offers courses on diversity topics.
The Doc Schools DoSChem, VSM, VISESS and VDSP of the University of Vienna invite you to a day on diversity on February 18, 2025.
Funding program for female postdocs was awarded and is calling for applications.
A monthly get-together offers carers/caregiving relatives support.
On November 19 in the BIG lecture room, u:respect – a campaign to prevent gender-based violence and sexual harassment was presented.
In this online talk and workshop on November 26, 2024, Franziska Saxler will introduce her network #metooscience among other things.
The Gender Equality Report was updated with the newest data on the University of Vienna.
The newly founded employment initiative enable:univie aims to find jobs for people with disabilities at the University of Vienna.