Visibility & transfer of knowledge
Making (gender) equality-related issues visible in the public and transferring related knowledge to the public are two of the core tasks in the field of equal opportunities. Therefore, the Gender Equality and Diversity unit gives talks, as well as launches projects on the topic. Current announcements as well as reports on past events can be found in News & Events.
Seminars for employees of the University of Vienna
Employees of the University of Vienna can educate themselves through the courses offered from Personnell Development. The Gender Equality and Diversity unit regularly offers seminars on the following topics. Current course dates can be found in u:rise.
- Language Confusion Gender Asterisk? Gender-inclusive language for everyone! (in German)
Gender-inclusive language is an often contested topic in our society. For some, it is gender insanity gone wild, for others it is an essential element of correct and inclusive communication.
What does gender-inclusive langauge mean and how can I use it?
The University of Vienna recommends the use of the "gender asterisk" in administration, but what does that actually mean and how is it used? - (Unconscious) Bias at the University (in German and English)
We all meet people every day and judge them in only a few moments. Do they seem nice? Do we want to talk to them? Are they competent? These judgements are based not only on our generalized experiences, but also on societal imaginations. That means that prejudices and false presuppositions can easily become a part of them.
In the seminar, we will talk about the images that shape the academic context in particular. We will try to discover our own biases. And we will look at strategies that will help us to better reflect our prejudices in daily life.