Projects, initiatives and services
A range of projects, initiatives and services at the University of Vienna are dedicated to the issue of diversity and anti-discrimination. They are listed in the overview below according to the so-called "dimensions" of diversity (see also "What is diversity about?").
Regular services
Diversity Competence for Non-Academic Staff - Workshop Series
The daily routine at a university mirrors the diversity of people as well as their thinking or the motivations for their actions. This provides many opportunities at the University of Vienna to learn new things and have enriching experiences. At the same time it may lead to irritations and misunderstandings.
The workshop series takes actual experiences of the employees as its departure point and connects those with knowledge on the topic of diversity based in theory and practice. Diversity is understood as the experience of similarities and differences in the university as a working environment. Building from that the participants should be empowered to develop strategies on how to deal with challenging situations in their daily work more consciously and more competently.
Next workshop series: The next workshop series is taking place in winter term 2025/26.
In addition to the workshop series Diversity Competence (held in German), you can find many different and shorter seminars on the topic in the category "Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Skills" in u:rise every semester (some of them held in English).
Cross-dimensional advice & support
Points of Call
- Culture and Equality unit
- Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen (Equal Opportunities Working Party)(in German)
- Occupational Psychology Services (intranet)(in German)
- Sexual Harassment & Bullying Counselling Office
- Betriebsrat für das allgemeine Universitätspersonal (Works Council for the Non-Academic University Staff)(in German)
- Betriebsrat für das wissenschaftliche Universitätspersonal (Works Council of the Academic University Staff)(in German)
- Büro für Konfliktberatung (Office for Conflict Counselling)(in German)
- Austrian National Student Union Counselling
- ÖH Gleichbehandlungsausschuss (Equal Opportunities Committee of the Austrian National Union of Students)(in German)
- Psychological Counselling Service
- Teaching Affairs and Student Services
- Confidant for Jewish students and those affected by antisemitism at the University of Vienna:
- Diversity in teaching (Intranet; in English)
- Workshops on Diversity and Social Competencies (Center for Teaching and Learning; in German)
- Diversity & Inclusion - reading lists, questions for reflection (Department of Philosophy; in English)
- Recommended actions for teachers in case of discrimination between students (PDF; in German)
- Reconciling work & family life
- Children's Office
- Maternity Leave Return Support (Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography & Astronomy)
Mental & physical abilities
- Behindertenvertrauensperson (Disability representative)(in German)
- ÖH Referat für Barrierefreiheit (accessibility office of the Austrian National Union of Students)(in German)
- Team Barrierefrei (team for accessible studying) (in German)
- Barrierefrei Studieren (accessible studying)
- Barrierefreie Lehre (accessible teaching)
- Literature service for blind and visual impaired people (University Library)(in German))
- Culture and Equality unit
- Sexual Harassment & Bullying Counselling Office
- ÖH Feministisches Referat (feminist office of the Austrian National Union of Students)(in German)
- ÖH Referat für Queer-Angelegenheiten (office for queer affairs of the Austrian National Union of Students)(in German)
- Gender Research Office
- Guided tour of women's history at the University of Vienna (Conference and Event Management)
- (No) Walk in the Park - 125 Years of Women at the University of Vienna
- physics4women (Faculty of Physics)(in German)
- International Office
- Austrian National Student Union Office for Sustainability and International Affairs
- Austrian National Student Union Office for Antiracism Work
- Point of Call "Racism-Critical Working Group“ at the Department of African Studies
- HÖR Hochschüler*innenschaft Österreichischer Roma und Romnja (Austrian Student Union of Austrian Roma and Romnja)
- Events of the Kritisches Podium
- Introduction to the topic and collection of resources Black Lives Matter
- "Buddyprojekt Publizistik" (buddy project communication science) for students with native language other than German (Department of Communication)(in German)
- German language courses (Language Centre of the University of Vienna)
- Language Swap platform (Language Centre of the University of Vienna)
- Schreibmentoring (writing mentoring) (Center for Teaching and Learning)(in German)
Social background/class
- ÖH Referat für Working Class Students (Office for Working Class Students of the Austrian National Union of Students)(in German)
- Schreibmentoring (writing mentoring) (Center for Teaching and Learning)(in German)
- STEOP mentoring for students (Center for Teaching and Learning)(in German)
- Schreibberatung (writing counselling) (Center for Teaching and Learning)(in German)
- Mentoring programme (Faculty of Computer Science)(in German)