Sexual Harassment & Bullying Counselling Office
Sexual Harassment & Bullying Counselling Office
The University of Vienna provides an official institution in the Counselling Office that offers psycho-social counselling in cases of sexual harassment and bullying. The Counselling Office offers psychological counselling with Dr. Barbara Grubner. No information is shared with anyone, not even within the university.
For a formal complaint against a member of staff, please contact the head of the Human Resources and Gender Equality unit, Mag. Dr. Christina Winter.
For a formal complaint against a student, you will be supported by legal professional Sofija Lazić in the Sexual Harassment and Bullying Counselling Office starting at the beginning of 2025.
Target group
The Counselling Office is open to all employees and students.
Consultations are free of charge and confidential. If desired, it's also anonymous.
The Counselling Office does not have any power to intervene or to impose sanctions.
"The University of Vienna conceives itself as a community of all its members: individuals of different age and sex, of different social and geographic origin, shaped by different situations in life and by different experiences, world views, and abilities.
Hence any dealings between members of the University shall be marked by mutual respect and esteem. Intolerance, discriminating or offensive behaviour, or favouritism, will not in any way be accepted at the University of Vienna; this also applies to third parties […].
Sexual harassment and mobbing of any kind are incompatible with the principle of mutual respect in interpersonal relations; they shall therefore not in any way be tolerated at the University of Vienna, and may prompt sanctions under criminal or labour law."
(Source: University of Vienna's Code of Conduct, p. 1-2)