Executive staff
Employee management poses a very special challenge, particularly in a university. The management process here focuses on research and teaching and includes employees under different employment contracts and conditions. The Human Resources Development unit provides support and assistance to successfully meet this challenge.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct complements the existing legal regulations which apply to the University. Topics include academic work, dealings with business partners and third parties, interaction between members of the University of Vienna and managerial responsibilities.
Rights & responsibilities
A working relationship is subject to mutual primary and secondary responsibilities that the employer as well as the employees must comply with and/or fulfil.
Annual staff appraisal
The annual staff appraisal (formerly called employee appraisal) ensures that there is a dialogue between superiors and staff in the form of a structured, guideline-based talk which is separate from day-to-day communications in the job.
Annual staff appraisals provide direction and help to organise people to work towards a common goal. They act as a tool to enhance the quality of an organisational unit's work and they also contribute to a positive working atmosphere. Annual staff appraisals can help avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. They also provide an opportunity for the employer and employees to express their appreciation for each other and to learn from the feedback they receive. The entire organisation, from the executive directors down to individual university employees, can benefit from the annual staff appraisal.