The University of Vienna is one of the biggest universities in Europe, so one can easily lose track of competencies. The following information should help you to find the right partners for your concerns.
Culture and equality unit
The Culture and Equality unit is part of the Human Resources and Gender Equality unit. Therefore its focus lies on the university's employees (non-academic and academic staff). The unit develops (gender) equality and diversity strategies and is responsible for the realization of career advancement programs, diversity education, fellowships and monitoring of gender data. The unit offers individual counselling in exceptional cases only, and usually isn't involved in specific complaints.
Equal opportunities working party
The Equal Opportunities Working Party (Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen, AKGL) has a control function within the university and is therefore not subject to directives. The AKGL is part of committees and panels for appointment procedures to make sure that unbiased, discrimination-free and transparent decisions are made. The AKGL scrutinizes the compliance with legal equality requirements for job postings and is available to both university employees and students for counseling and support with complaints of discrimination.
Sexual harassment & bullying counselling office
The Sexual Harassment & Bullying Counselling Office offers individual psychological counselling for people directly and indirectly affected by sexual harassment and bullying. The counselling is open to all university employees and students who either experience Mobbing and/or sexual harassment themselves, witness it or who would like to take preemptive measures in their teams.
Office for conflict counselling
The Conflict Counselling offers both individual counselling as well as counselling for the whole team in cases of concrete conflicts in the work setting.
Works councils for the non-academic and the academic staff
Apart from the representation of employees in front of the employer, both works councils (for the Non-Academic Staff and the Academic Staff) offer labour law counselling and support in cases of complaints.
Disability representative
The Disability Representatives are elected representatives of the non-academic and the academic staff who represent the economic, social, cultural and healt-related interestes of disables employees of the University of Vienna, in cooperation with the Works Councils.