Salary schemes for University Staff according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement
Academic university staff
According to the job group scheme for academic staff (referred to as ‘staff members in science / art’ in the Collective Bargaining Agreement), academic staff members are allocated to the job groups A1, A2, B1, B2 and C.
The data refers in principle to an employment 40 hours per week (gross salary).
- Job group A 1 – university professors appointed on the basis of an appointment procedure (section 98 and section 99 of the 2002 Universities Act)
- Job group A 2 – academic staff with whom a qualification agreement was concluded
- Job group B 1 – university assistants (referred to as ‘assistant professors’ in the Collective Bargaining Agreement), senior scientists, senior lecturers and project staff who have completed a master’s or diploma programme
- Job group B 2 – lecturers
- Job group C – student staff and project staff who have not completed a master’s or diploma programme
Salary group A1
University professors appointed on the basis of an appointment procedure (section 98 and section 99 of the 2002 Universities Act) Article 49
(1) The gross monthly salary of the A1 salary group amounts to EUR 6,604.30.
Subject to at least one positive evaluation of work (as defined in the UG 2002) during the relevant period this amount shall increase
- to EUR 7,231.30 after six years of service,
- to EUR 7,852.40 after twelve years of service,
- to EUR 8,473.40 after eighteen years of service, and
- to EUR 9,094.60 after twenty-four years of service.
Salary group A2
Academic staff with whom a qualification agreement was concluded Article 49
The gross monthly salary of the A2 salary group amounts to EUR 5,012.70 and in the case of staff members holding a doctor's degree or Ph.D. in the relevant subject it amounts to EUR 5,808.20.
These amounts shall increase
(a) to EUR 6,285.80 after fulfilment of the qualification agreement (Article 27),
(b) and in the case of at least one positive evaluation of work (as defined in the UG) during the relevant period
- to EUR 6,920.90 after six years of service as Associate Professor,
- to EUR 7,542.00 after twelve years of service,
- to EUR 8,163.10 after eighteen years of service, and
- to EUR 8,783.90 after twenty-four years of service.
Salary group B1
University assistants, senior scientists, senior lecturers and project staff after having completed a master’s or diploma programme Article 49
(3) The gross monthly salary of the B1 salary group amounts to EUR 3,714.80.
This amount shall increase
(a) to EUR 4,403.80 after three years of service. The three-year period shall be reduced by periods for which previous job-related work experience can be proved;
(b) after eight years of service in a position as defined in letter (a) or in the case of a doctor's degree which was a prerequisite for conclusion of the employment contract (postdoc position), to EUR 4,932.90;
(c) after eight years of service in a position as defined in letter (b) to EUR 5,450.60;
(d) after eight years of service in a position as defined in letter (c) to EUR 5,969.60;
(e) after eight years of service in a position as defined in letter (d) to EUR 6,488.60.
Salary group B 2
Lecturers Article 49, para. 4
The gross monthly salary of the B 2 salary group per instruction unit of academic teaching amounts to EUR 286.04- EUR 339.09 after 3 years of service (B 2 lit. a)
- EUR 379.83 after 8 years of service (B 2 lit. b)
The existing categories of courses continue to apply until a new collective agreement is concluded.
Salary group C
Student staff and project staff without a master’s or diploma degree Article 49, para. 5
The gross monthly salary of the C salary group amounts to a maximum of EUR 1,349.60. In the case of a normal weekly working time of less than 20 hours the salary shall be prorated.
- Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff - Änderungen im Kollektivvertrag für die Arbeitnehmer*innen der Universitäten: "19. Nachtrag vom 04. Dezember 2024" (in German)
- Sideletter Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff - Sideletter zum Kollektivvertrag für die ArbeitnehmerInnen der Universitäten (in German)
General university staff
According to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff, all staff members are allocated to job groups I to V depending on fulfilment of classification criteria. Every job group comprises two qualification levels, to which the staff members are allocated: the basic level and the regular level.
The basic level applies to
- staff members who are employed in the relevant occupation for the first time (in particular high school or university graduates),
- staff members with no previous job-specific experience, or
- staff members who have been reallocated from lower job groups.
The regular level applies to staff members after three years at the basic level of the same job group.
An advancement to regular level is possible earlier than after three years
- if proof of previous job-specific experience is provided, or
- if the staff member has been reallocated from a lower job group and would have to be allocated to the basic level of the higher job group as laid down in article 53, para. 2 and already possesses the required knowledge and experience, or
- if s/he has successfully completed subject-specific internal and external measures of continuing education and training to improve or expand his/her skills.
According to article 56, para. 1 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement of 1 February 2022, the monthly apprentice pay for apprentices as defined in the Austrian Act on Vocational Training [Berufsausbildungsgesetz/BAG] amounts from Feb. 1st 2024 to
EUR 942.60 in the 1st year
EUR 1,140.80 in the 2nd year
EUR 1,367.40 in the 3rd year
EUR 1,706.80 in the 4th year of apprenticeship.
According to article 56, para. 1 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement of 1 February 2022, the monthly apprentice pay for apprentices as defined in the Austrian Act on Vocational Training [Berufsausbildungsgesetz/BAG] amounts from Feb. 1st 2025 to
EUR 1,042.60 in the 1st year
EUR 1,240.80 in the 2nd year
EUR 1,467.40 in the 3rd year
EUR 1,806.80 in the 4th year of apprenticeship.
- Collective Bargaining Agreement - Article 54: Salary Scheme for General University Staff
(Version of 1 February 2025)
- Collective Bargaining Agreement - Article 54: Salary Scheme for General University Staff
(Version of 1 February 2024)
Please note that the most recent salaries' values are to be found above, in the additional documents.