Tenure Track Professorships at the University of Vienna
We offer
- A dynamic research environment
- Attractive working conditions in a city with a high quality of life
- Career development to tenured (Full) Professor
The ideal candidates
- will be leaders in their fields and share our enthusiasm for excellent research and teaching
- have an excellent publication record and be internationally recognized
- hold a doctoral degree/PhD and at least two years of international research experience
Career @University of Vienna
- Tenure track professors are hired as Assistant Professors on a six-year time-limited contract
- Tenure and promotion to Associate Professor are contingent upon positive evaluation within the first six years of employment
- Associate professors with outstanding achievements can be promoted to Full Professor in a university-wide competitive procedure
The University of Vienna is an equal opportunity employer and values diversity.
Given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female applicants.
Appointment procedure for tenure track professorships
Tenure track professorships are advertised internationally. Applications are subject to comparative international review and appointments are made based on the recommendations of a panel of experts chaired by the Vice Rector for Research.
A qualification agreement stipulating the terms of the tenure decision is offered at the start of employment. Fulfilment of the agreement leads to a permanent employment contract as tenured Associate Professor.